Como disse no post Franjas/ Fringes , as franjas sempre estiveram na moda, dando pausas e ressurgindo com tudo.Foi justamente o que aconteceu na reta final de 2010, época dos modelos retos, mais ousados, uma sensação mundo afora.Aqui estao cinco segredos para se ter uma franja de parar o trânsito. Vamos a eles!
1. A franja rejuvenesce dependendo do formato do rosto. Então, analise bem com o profissional qual será seu estilo antes de se entregar à tesoura;
2. A harmonia da cor do cabelo com a pele, valoriza a franja;
3. Quem tem cabelo muito comprido pode usar franja, desde que crie uma harmonia entre a altura do cabelo e a franja, ou seja, um equilíbrio;
4. Quer secar bem a franja? Então, use uma escova de qualidade com bastante calor;lembrando de usar um leave-in termo protetor antes.
5. A franja dá versatilidade ao corte, criando uma nova imagem. Use e abuse!
Agora,para as donas de madeixas cacheadas: Este é o único tipo de cabelo em que a franja não fica bem. A menos que voce faca um processo de alisamento na franja, e um relaxamento no restante do cabelo para soltar os cachos.
Entao queridas usem o bom senso, e consultem um profissional! Nada de cortar franja em casa sozinha como se fosse uma garotinha travessa de 7 anos, rs rs.
As I said in the post Franjas/ Fringes, fringes were always in fashion, giving breaks and resurfacing glamorous.It was precisely what happened on the end of 2010, when the straight models, more daring, was a world sensation .Here are five secrets to have a fringe-stopping. Let them!
1. Fringe rejuvenates depending on the shape of the face. Then, analyze and work with what their style before surrendering to the scissors;
2. The harmony of hair color with skin, enhances the fringe;
3. Who has very long hair fringe can use, provided that it creates a harmony between the height of the hair and the fringe, ie a balance;
4. Want to blowdry the fringe well ? Then use a quality brush with enough heat, remembering to use a leave-in protective term before.
5. The fringe gives versatility to the haircut, creating a new image. Use and enjoi it.
Now, for the owners of curly hair: This is the only hair type where the fringe is not good. Unless you do an smoothing process on the fringe, and a relaxation in the remaining hair to loosen curls.
As I said in the post Franjas/ Fringes, fringes were always in fashion, giving breaks and resurfacing glamorous.It was precisely what happened on the end of 2010, when the straight models, more daring, was a world sensation .Here are five secrets to have a fringe-stopping. Let them!
1. Fringe rejuvenates depending on the shape of the face. Then, analyze and work with what their style before surrendering to the scissors;
2. The harmony of hair color with skin, enhances the fringe;
3. Who has very long hair fringe can use, provided that it creates a harmony between the height of the hair and the fringe, ie a balance;
4. Want to blowdry the fringe well ? Then use a quality brush with enough heat, remembering to use a leave-in protective term before.
5. The fringe gives versatility to the haircut, creating a new image. Use and enjoi it.
Now, for the owners of curly hair: This is the only hair type where the fringe is not good. Unless you do an smoothing process on the fringe, and a relaxation in the remaining hair to loosen curls.
So dear to use common sense and consult a professional! Nothing to cut fringe at home alone like a little girl of 7 years, rs rs.
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