Assim como Yves Saint Laurent deu as mulheres as calças, Sasson deu as mulheres o corte Bob.
Ontem o mundo dos cabeleireiros, da beleza, perdeu um de seus ícones:
Vidal Sasson.
O britânico de 84 anos faleceu ontem de manha de causas naturais, em sua casa em Los Angeles cercado pela família.
Nos anos 60,as mulheres tinham que ir ao salão quatro vezes por semana para manter o penteado famoso da época. Vidal criou cortes de cabelos, onde as mulheres apenas lavavam os fios e estavam prontas, libertando-as de intermináveis escovadas e spray fixadores.
Quando Sassoon pegou suas tesouras na década de 1950, o estilo dos cabelos era tipicamente enrolados, empilhados para o alto e laqueado no lugar.
Depois veio a década de 60, e os cortes criativos Sassoon, que exigiam pouca manutenção e trabalho para arrumar no dia a dia, e se encaixou perfeitamente com o movimento popular de Libertação das Mulheres.

E criou também o famoso corte de Nancy Kwan( foto abaixo)
O estilo wash and wear( lavar e sair) incluído o bob, o corte de cinco pontos e a 'deusa grega',um curto, e um permanente despenteado.
Sassoon abriu seu primeiro salão aqui em Londres em 1954, mas disse que so aperfeicou a sua tecnica de corte, ate meados dos anos 60.
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Nancy Kwan's famous haircut by Sasson |
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Short Bob By Sasson. Bob Curto |
O homem que foi criado numa área pobre de Londres, foi para a guerra do Israel em 1948, e voltou da guerra para mudar e revolucionar o mundo da beleza, criou uma gigantesca rede de salões, uma linha de cosméticos capilares com seu nome e ainda uma academia para ensinar novos cabeleireiros a transformar usando suas técnicas, e depois de uma longa carreira, encerrou sua participação nos negócios e se dedicou a obras de caridade.
Digno de admiração e respeito.
Luto Vidal Sasson
Hi people,
In the same way Yves Saint Laurent gave women the pant, legendary British hairstylist Vidal Sassoon gave women the bob.
Yesterday, the beauty, hairdresser's world lost one of the most importants icone and creators.
Vidal Sassoon, whose pioneering techniques and iconic cuts revolutionized hairdressing, has died aged 84, he had died of natural causes.
A man whose name became synonymous with haircare passed away yesterday at his Los Angeles home surrounded by his family.
The British-born stylist had been battling leukaemia for several years.
Sassoon's creative, geometric cuts required little styling. They were an integral part of the look of Mary Quant, the superstar British fashion designer who popularized the miniskirt.
When Sassoon picked up his shears in the 1950s, styled hair was typically curled, teased, piled high and shellacked into place.
Sassoon opened his first salon in his native London in 1954 but said he didn't perfect his cut-is-everything approach until the mid-'60s.
Then came the 1960s, and Sassoon's creative cuts, which required little styling and fell into place perfectly every time, fit right in with the fledgling women's liberation movement.
Sassoon's constant innovation saw him invent the famous geometric five point bob cut, before creating Mia Farrow’s pixie for Rosemary’s Baby, pictured above, a look which in turn spawned copycat after copycat.
And the famous Nancy Kwan haircut.
The hairdresser also established Vidal Sassoon Academies to teach aspiring stylists how to envision haircuts based on a client's bone structure.
The man who was raised in a poor area of London, went to war in Israel in 1948, and returned from the war to change and revolutionize the world of beauty, created a huge network of salons, a line of hair cosmetics and also created a academy to teach stylists to transform hair using his techniques, and after a long career, ended his participation in business and devoted himself to charity.
Worthy of admiration and respect
R.I.P Vidal Sasson
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