Hoje vou compartilhar com vocês,mais um belíssimo trabalho que assinei Cabelo & Make-up.
Bond Street é conhecida no mundo pelas elegantes lojas, exclusivas marcas, fashion designers, joalherias, antiquários e arte. Localizada no coração de Mayfair, no popular west end de Londres,Bond Street é o ponto de referencia para todas as coisas sofisticadas. E inspirado por essa sofisticação criei a make-up e hairstyle para esse ensaio fotográfico .Para elas: Smokey Eyes e hipnotizantes lábios vermelhos ganharam atenção com os fios todos para trás com efeito semi molhado-uma super tendencia. Para eles:Corretivo, base de cobertura leve, sobrancelhas acentuadas é o suficiente. Nos fios: pomada para dar textura aos fios. Os modelos Danubia Sousa e Willian Andrade posaram para as lentes da talentosa fotografa Nydia Gavioli e o resultado você confere abaixo. Espero que curtam. Deixe seus comentários.x
Hi guys
Today Im going to share with you another beautiful work which I signed Hair & Make-up.
London's famous Bond Street is revered throughout the world for its wealth of elegant stores, exclusives brands, designer fashion, fine jewels, art ans antiques. Set in the hear of Mayfair, in London's popular West End, Bond Stree is a landmark for all things sophisticated. Inspired by this sophistication, I created the make-up and hairstyle for this photoshoot. For her: Smokey eye with heavy lines and bright red lips got atention with all hair sleek back, with wet effect- super trend. For him: Concealer and Foundation medium coverage, eyebrows defined is enought; Hir: fiber wax to give texture to the hairstyle. The models Danubia Sousa and Willian Andrade did pose for the lenses of the talented photographer Nydia Gavioli. The result is below, hope you guys like it and leave your comments.
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Models: Danubia Sousa (https://www.facebook.com/DanubiaSousaModel)
Willian Andrade (https://www.facebook.com/andradewillian)
Hair & Make-up: Angel Ivan (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Angel-Ivan-Hairdresser)
Photographer: Nydia Gavioli (https://www.facebook.com/NGavioliPhotography)