O problema acontece quando o sonho dá lugar ao exagero.
The problem happens when the dream gives way to exaggeration.

geralmente a perda de cabelo ocorre porque os profissionais não executam o trabalho de maneira correta, não escolhem os melhores fios, não os colocam corretamente ou porque aplicam cabelos pesados demais para a estrutura da cliente.
The British supermodel Naomi Campbell, famous for wearing looks smooth and long, caused the biggest buzz after appearing in a photo shoot with failures hair.A suspicion fell on the extensions, which would have spoiled their natural hair, leaving them weaker. Another star who appeared with a questionable hair was the singer Britney Spears. Besides having glue to the show, her natural hair was brittle and broken.The problems were associated with excessive chemical use and prolonged stretches. The same suspicion fell on Victoria Beckham and Paris Hilton.Hair loss usually occurs because the professionals are not doing the job properly, do not choose the best yarns, they are not placed correctly or because they apply hair too heavy for the structure of the client.
Baldness, also known as alopecia, depends on a combination of genetic, hormonal and emotional. Despite being more common in men, it also affects women. According to dermatologists, the case of celebrities isemblematic and hair loss can be caused by traction alopecia, since the weight of the extensions "pulls " the natural yarn down, causing an inflammatory reaction in hair follicles. "This type of hair loss is common in women who use too much force to do ponytails and braids. " Diagnosed early and treated properly, the problem is reversible. "The practice of tension should be abandoned and the area with alopecia must be stimulated with specific medication. " The dermatologists reccomends that extensions have to be done with a broader base of hair "original" and with an 1 / 3 smaller than the size that is commonly used.
*Cuidados especiaisBom senso e cautela ajudam a evitar transtornos para quem utiliza extensões. Independentemente do tamanho do aplique, a manutenção da nova cabeleira merece atenção.Apliques curtos requerem mais cuidados, já que a posição do megahair muda com o crescimento da raiz e ele fica aparente mais rápido.Conforme as madeixas crescem, algumas medidas devem ser tomadas. As extensões devem ser retiradas depois de três a quatro meses, pois o cabelo natural cresce e pode quebrar com o peso do aplique. Nessa etapa, nem sempre a reutilização dos fios é possível.
Caso o trabalho seja executado como se deve, as extensões podem ser molhadas, secas ao vento ou com secador. “Megahair exige o mesmo cuidado dos cabelos naturais: secar bem e hidratar”.
Special care: Common sense and caution help to avoid inconvenience to those who use extensions. Apply regardless of size, maintain the new hair deserves attention. Hairpieces short require more care, since the position of megahair changes with root growth and it becomes apparent quickly.
As the locks grow, some care should be taken. Extensions should be removed after three to four months, because the natural hair grows and may break under the weight of the implement. At this stage, not always reuse the wires is possible. If the work is performed as it should, the extensions can be wet, dry wind or blowdried. "Extensions" requires the same care of natural hair: dry well and moisturize. "
*Alternativas saudáveisExistem opções temporárias menos arriscadas para quem quer aderir ao cabelo longo.O Clip-in Extension, da Hairdo, É uma peça única de cabelos feita em camadas, com o sistema de apliques clip-in, que permite que os fios artificiais se misturem aos naturais. A fibra é uma das réplicas mais próximas do cabelo humano, com 1/3 do seu peso, e pode ser encontrada em quatro tamanhos e nas texturas ondulada e lisa.
A empresa italiana So. Cap., famosa por utilizar cabelos 100% humanos, desenvolveu uma tela onde os fios ficam anexados e podem ser presos ao couro cabeludo através de presilhas. Conhecido como tic-tac, o sistema é perfeito para ter madeixas longas temporariamente. A marca tem uma linha especial para noivas.
A Micro Look lançou a Lace Wig Look, uma peruca de fios naturais fixados em uma prótese de silicone cheia de furos, que facilita a oxigenação da pele. A peruca pode ser lavada no mesmo dia e fica até 30 dias. Essa é uma ótima alternativa para quem perdeu o cabelo completamente ou passou por quimioterapia.
* Healthy Alternatives: There are temporary options less risky for those who wants long hair.The Hair Clip-in Extension,by Hairdo, is a unique piece of hair done in layers, with the system clip-in hairpieces, which allows wires artificial to the natural blend. Fiber is one of the closest replicas of human hair, with one third of their weight, and can be found in four sizes and textures and smooth rolling.
The Italian company So. Chap, famous for using 100% human hair, has developed a screen where the wires are attached and can be attached to the scalp through tabs. Known as tic-tac, the system is perfect to have long locks temporarily. The brand has a special line for brides. Micro Lace Wig launched the Look Look, a wig of natural yarn set in a silicone prosthesis filled with holes, which facilitates the oxygenation of the skin. The wig can be washed in the same day and stays up to 30 days. This is a great alternative for those who lost their hair completely, or has undergone chemotherapy.
* Healthy Alternatives: There are temporary options less risky for those who wants long hair.The Hair Clip-in Extension,by Hairdo, is a unique piece of hair done in layers, with the system clip-in hairpieces, which allows wires artificial to the natural blend. Fiber is one of the closest replicas of human hair, with one third of their weight, and can be found in four sizes and textures and smooth rolling.
The Italian company So. Chap, famous for using 100% human hair, has developed a screen where the wires are attached and can be attached to the scalp through tabs. Known as tic-tac, the system is perfect to have long locks temporarily. The brand has a special line for brides. Micro Lace Wig launched the Look Look, a wig of natural yarn set in a silicone prosthesis filled with holes, which facilitates the oxygenation of the skin. The wig can be washed in the same day and stays up to 30 days. This is a great alternative for those who lost their hair completely, or has undergone chemotherapy.
Entao para as que desejam o cabelao, CUIDADO, com quem faz, como faz e como cuida!!
So for those who want the instant long hair, BE CAREFUL, who does, how does it and how cares!!