Acompanhando as tendencias nos desfiles das ultimas semanas de moda, o coque feito pelo time do Neville Hair and Beauty para o desfile da Ralph and Russo couture show em Paris esse mês de Fevereiro, chamou a minha atenção por ser clássico e simples e ganhou o meu troféu de favorito.
Coincidentemente quando participei da Semana de Moda de Londres ano passado, um dos looks que criei foi justamente esse coque torcido, (Veja Aqui ). E coincidentemente o vestido das duas modelos são bem parecidos. A minha modelo tinha um cabelo curto, e como optamos por não usar apliques, o coque ficou menor que o do desfile do Ralph and Russo que usou a "rede" para manter a modelagem.
Mas como já mencionei antes a moda se reinventa e os penteados também. E o coque nunca sairá de moda. Confiram abaixo as fotos do desfile do RR e a foto do penteado feito por mim para a marca Lungta de Fancy na semana de moda de Londres ano passado.
Quer saber mais sobre meus trabalhos e dicas, curta minha FanPage Angel Ivan Hairdresser.
Hi everyone,
Bun is without doubt one of my favorite hairstyles . It's fashion , super simple yet classic, and easy to do . Full of variations ; The bun reinvents itself every year on the catwalks of the fashion weeks of the world .
Keeping my eyes on the trends in the runways of the latest fashion weeks , the hairstyle made by the team of Neville Hair and Beauty for the Ralph and Russo couture show in Paris this February, caught my attention for being classic and simple and won my Favorite Trophie.
Coincidentally when I attended the London Fashion Week last year , one of the looks I created was precisely this twisted bun, ( Check it here ). And coincidentally the dress of the two models are very similar as well. My model had a short hair , and because we chose not to use extensions, my bun was smaller than the ones of Ralph and Russo´s show. who used the " net " to keep modeling .
But as I mentioned before fashion reinvents itself and hairstyles too. And buns will never go out of fashion. Check above the photos of the Ralph and Russo´s bun and the photo of the bun made by me for the brand Lungta de Fancy Fashion for the London Fashion Week last year.(model on red dress)
Let me know, what you guys think. :))
Give me a like on my FanPage Angel Ivan Hairdresser to know more about my works and my tips.