O site Luxuryhaircare esta vendendo o shampoo 250ml, condicionador 150ml, e a mascara 200ml por apenas £23.98 + frete. Achei uma promoção otima.
Absolut Repair uma linha reconstrutora profissional , utilizada na cauterização molecular.Tem ação reconstrutora, o cabelo fica extremamente macio. Existem 2 modos de usar esta linha, para a cauterização e/ou reconstrução. A linha possui shampoo, condicionador, máscara, leave in e ampolas (Power Repair B) e (Renew C – utilizada na cauterização molecular).
Bom aos interessados(a) cliquem no link abaixo e garantam seu kit.
Here's a big tip for all the lovers of L'Oreal Absolut Repair.
The site LuxuryHairCare is selling shampoo 250ml,conditioner 150ml, and mask 200ml for only £23.98 + shipping. I found it a great deal and want to share it with you guys.
Absolut Repair is a professional reconstructive line, used in Treatment molecular. Has Action reconstructive, hair become extremely soft. There are two ways to use this line for :cauterization and / or reconstruction. The line has shampoo, conditioner, mask, and leave in ,ampoules (Power Repair B) and ( Renew C - used in molecular cauterization).
For who is interested , here's the link