Quando se fala em Madonna, vários são os adjetivos que vem em mente: sexy, louca, rainha, diva, soberana, provocativa e etc.
Madonna vem causando com a nova tour MDNA.
Mas o que mais tem me chamado atenção nessa turnê não são os figurinos; a polêmica envolvendo as armas que ela usa no palco durante uma das performances; A constante provocação contra a Igreja; nem tão pouco o peitinho que ela insiste em pagar.(lol) Para mim uma palavra define os hairstyles bapho que ela vem usando: Retrô
A loira vem usando e abusando do cabelo texturizado, com muitas ondas, topetes e volume.
Tirando o revolver usado na perfomance de "Gang Bang", Madonna arrasou nesse look, um dos meus favoritos, O topete armado e o restante do cabelo bem texturizado da uma vibe Rock no visual. Escove os fios, separe a parte frontal, desfie a parte de trás para dar volume, puxe para trás e prenda com grampo, finalize com spray fixador.
Destaque para as luvas Chanel >Amei<
Durante a performance de "Vogue", Madonna prende o cabelo num coque, e deixa apenas a franja ondulada de lado, que remete o hairstyle da década de 70 .O figurino criado por Jean-Paul Gaultier foi uma releitura do "corset" de bojo pontudo usado pela cantora na turnê "Blonde Ambition" de 1990.
Durante "Gimme All Your Luvin", Madonna encarna a garota colegial, cabelo de lado preso com fivelinha e suaves ondas, > muito fofa< lol :-O
E o Oscar do cabelo baphonico da Tour vai para????
Os cachos maravilhosos que Madonna usou; puro glamour, sexy e super chick. Cabelo de diva, Rainha.
Super fácil de fazer: Mousse Modeladora, Babyliss e Spray Fixador são as 3 ferramentas para alcançar esse look!
Como fazer: Aplique mousse modeladora nos fios, separe mechas de 2 dedos de largura e comece enrolando no babyliss, assim que enrolar a mecha, faca um rolinho e prenda com um grampo, e siga para a próxima mecha. Quando terminar todo o cabelo, solte os grampos e usando apenas os dedos com um pouco de pomada modeladora, solte os cachos e finalize com spray fixador. Diva Diva
Hi guys
When it comes to Madonna, there are several adjectives that comes to mind: sexy, crazy, queen, diva, sovereign, and provocative.
Madonna as usual is on the spotlight with her new tour MDNA.
But what has caught my attention on this tour are not the costumes, or the controversy involving the weapons she uses on stage during one of the performances; or the constant provocation against the Church, nor the titty she insists on show off either. (Lol ) For me one word defines the hairstyles that she has been using : Retrô
The Blonde Queen has been using and abusing of textured hair, with many waves, quiffs and volume.
Pic 1
Apart from the revolver used in the performance of "Gang Bang," Madonna literally rocked this look, one of my favorites, The quiff with lots of volume and the remaining hair well textured gave a rock vibe to the look. How to do: Brush the wires, separate the front, backcomb the back to give volume, pull back and secure with clip, finish with hairspray.
Highlight for Chanel gloves> loved <
Pic 2
During the performance of "Vogue", Madonna holds her hair in a bun, and leaves only the wavy side fringe, which refers the hairstyle of the 70's. The costume was created by Jean-Paul Gaultier ,it was a remake of "corset" of bulge pointy used by Madonna on her tour "Blonde Ambition" on 1990.
Pic 3
During "Gimme All Your Luvin," Madonna embodies the high school girl, hair aside and pin stuck with gentle waves,> so cute <lol:-O
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The wonderful curls that Madonna wore; pure glamor, and super sexy chick.
A proper Queen, Diva's hair. My favorite so far.
Super easy to do: Styling Mousse, Spray Fixer and Curler are the three tools to achieve this look!
How to do: Aply a mousse on your hair, using a large curler, separate in mediam section and curl, and after hold up with a pin, until ypou finish the whole hair. When you finish, leave the hair down, and with your fingers ONLY separate the curls, finish with hairspray.
Did you like Madonna's hairstyles to the MDNA Tour?
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