Que as tranças foram o sucesso do verão brasileiro e europeu esse ano, isso é fato!!.
Com muitas variações de estilo, texturas e acessorios, as tranças foram vistas tambem no decorrer desse ano nas passarelas de grandes desfiles, em cerimonias de red carpet, em editoriais, enfim, as tranças fizeram literalmente a cabeça da mulherada em 2011.
Assim como as outras, essa trança tem muitas variações, voce pode fazer mais apertadinha, arrumadinha, ou mais frouxa e despojada, com ou sem acessorios, com mechas mais finas ou mais grossas.
Essa nas fotos,fiz em uma cliente, é uma trança mais despojada, mais frouxa, pois ela ia ao aniversário de 4 aninhos do filho, entao a ocasião pedia algo menos polído,arrumadinho.
Essa uma boa opção de penteado tanto para o dia quanto para a noite, para balada, eventos sociais!
Estou preparando um video com o passo a passo e postarei em breve!
Ate o proximo post
Hi guys
That the braids have been the success of Brazilian and European summer this year, this is fact!.
With many variations of style, textures and accessories, the braids were also seen during this year on the runways of major fashion shows, in red carpet ceremonies, in editorials, so far, the braids made literally the head of the chicks in 2011.
With many variations of style, textures and accessories, the braids were also seen during this year on the runways of major fashion shows, in red carpet ceremonies, in editorials, so far, the braids made literally the head of the chicks in 2011.
And today I bring the tip of a braid that has been successful this year and remains high: The fishtail braid.Like the others, this braid has many variations, you can do more tight, tidy, or more loose and casual, with or without accessories, with strands thinner or thicker.
This in the photos, I made in a client, a fishtail braid more casual, looser, because it was the fourth anniversary of her son ,So the occasion called for something less polite, tidy.
This hairstyle is a good option for both the day and into the night, social events!
I'm preparing a video with step by step and will post soon!
This in the photos, I made in a client, a fishtail braid more casual, looser, because it was the fourth anniversary of her son ,So the occasion called for something less polite, tidy.
This hairstyle is a good option for both the day and into the night, social events!
I'm preparing a video with step by step and will post soon!
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