The fantasies of fairy tales and nonsense of Surrealism inspired the L'Oréal Professionnal to create Summer Illusion, a new collection takes dreams to reality with three hairstyles: Sandy Shadow Box, Sunset Horizon and Sea Blue Illusion. Each look is presented by a trio of imaginary young women, who escape from their world of make-believe to inspire summer trends.

Tons : 3 e 4.15, e mechas feitas com Platinium.
For the Sea Blue Illusion look ,The hair is short. and it's cut into a textured bob and the texture is more prominent with hair colour in brown with reflections of gold and mahogany.
The hairstyle and style remind of 60's style.
Shades: 3 / 4.15, and highlights with Platinium.

The Sunset Horizon look is about lines and stripes. With stunning straight strands shine in brown with reflections of gold and copper. With the sleek long hair and a chic fringe, Iguna is dressed in a Saint Tropez-style black-and-white striped dress. Twirling the dress or tossing her head, the flowing hair shows the neatly-done cut and colour made in combination of shades including 5, 6.34 e 9.3. Inoa

No look Sandy Shadow Box o cabelo afro-loiro traz corte de base arredondada e privilegia o volume, o movimento. tem como conceito as características de Sasha vestida em um vestido florido costas nua retro enquanto seu cabelo crespo afro irradia da cabeça como se estivesse em uma forma de estrela do mar.O loiro claro com reflexos dourados e a textura do cabelo também pode lembrá-lo dos padrões de uma concha. (conceito deles) Na coloração,tons Inoa 9.01 e 9.3 com mechas feitas com Platinium.
The Sandy Shadow Box look features Sasha Blondinette donning a flowery retro bare-back dress while her frizzy Afro hair radiates from the head as if in a starfish-like form. The light blonde with reflect gold hair colour and the texture of the hair may also remind you of patterns on seashells.(Their concept lol). Shades: Inoa 9.01 /9.3 and highlights with Platinium.
Bom gente, eu particulamente amei a combinação de tons, que é o principal motivo desse post.
Quem se sentir inspirado(a) pelos cortes, estilos e coloracoes dessa coleção. Se joga!!
Well guys, I loved the combination of colours, which is the main reason of this post.
Who feel inspired by the haircuts, hairstyles and colours of this collection. Go for it!!
Angel ❥
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