Toda mulher muda o visual quando quer marcar uma mudanca na vida, seja profissional, amorosa e etc, da aquela sensação de renovação, de recomeço. No caso de Leona Lewis, a mudança no visual tem a ver com a nova fase na carreira da cantora britanica.

Mas ela resolveu mudar radicalmente e chocou ao aparecer com os fios bem escuros , longos e liso chapado, com uma franja bem pesada e na altura dos olhos.
Leona é linda, tem um rosto , labios e olhos incriveis, que permite usar um cabelo liso chapado o que atrai toda atenção para o rosto. E a cor castanho escura realcou os olhos verde claro da diva, apesar de ser super fa de suas ondas loiras
Esse corte, cor e textura(liso chapado) tem se tornado a grande aposta para o Outono e Inverno.O que voce acha? Deixe seu comentario abaixo! :)

Tive o prazer de assitir uma apresentação dela recentemente e deu pra perceber que a cantora esta com uma musica mais dancante, eu particulamente amei, o playlist do album não foi liberado ainda, apenas a capa(essa do lado) e o video da primeira musica de trabalho: Collide, Tenho que dizer que achei o maximo, AMEI.
Apos o post em ingles, voce confere o novo clip e algumas fotos do novo estilo de Leona Lewis.
Hi guys,
Every woman wants to change the look when they want mark a change in life, whatever if this change is professional, loving,etc, it give that feeling of renewal, beginning . In Leona Lewis's case, the change in the look has to do with the new phase in the career of the british singer.
Leona for long time kept the threads in shades of blonde, most of the time in shades of honey blonde with highlights. But she decided to radically change and shocked when she appear with a very deep dark shade, long and straight hair, with a very heavy fringe.
Leona is beautiful, has a stunning face, amazing eyes and lips, which lets she be able to use a straight hair, that attracts all attention to the face. And the deep dark shade highlighted her light green eyes. Despite Im being super fan of her blonde curls.This hair become trend in few months and its really nice for the autumn and winter. What you think? Leave your comment below. :)
Her new album's has already scheduled release date, November 28. The GlassHeart is the third album from the singer's career and marks the maturing of Leona as a woman in music and visual! Leona is more classic, couture clothes and great and innovative designers.
I had the pleasure of attending a her presentation recently and could see that her music is more danceable, I loved Particularly, the playlist of the album was not released yet, only the cover and the first music video for work: Collide, I have to say as much, I LOVED.
Here you see more pics of Leona's new style and her new videoclip: Collide
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