Na hora de esconder algumas imperfeicoes e dar um "upgrade" no bronze, a make tem que ser leve, para voce não correr o risco de sujar a roupa de alguem ou ate mesmo a sua, "mico total"!
Antes de mais nada não importa se o sol esta 40 graus ou 16, use sempre um protetor solar no rosto, ja existem no mercado bases que ja vem com alto fator de protecao.

2-Pó: Passe um pó bronzeador com um pincel ou esponja, bem superficial, esse tipo de pó não deixara sua pele opaca ou aveludada, que não 'e o efeito do" verao", e sim iluminada.

Voce tambem pode aplicar com uma esponja para dar um efeito uniforme e se quiser usar como po.
Praticamente todas as marcas de make tem as perolas bronzeadoras.
Sugestao: MAC, Avon, Bonjour
4. Blush: Eu particulamente se usar o iluminador bronze, acho desnecessario o uso do blush para não pesar na make, mas se voce quiser realcar as macas do rosto, aconselho o uso bem moderado. Gosto de usar os em mousse para completar o efeito glossy da make bronze.
Sugestao: MAC, Loreal
5. Olhos: Aplique uma sombra cobre com leves batidinhas com os dedos e depois uma sombra marrom no concavo para marcar o olhar, depois um lapis preto na linha inferior, e o coringa dos olhos 'e aplicar com um pincel uma pontinha de sombra branca ou sintilante no apenas no canto interno do olho.
6. Labios: Opte pelos tons: coral, bronze, glossy, para dar um efeito bocão, passe um lapis rosa nas extremidades dos labios .
"Nada de exagerar na make e arrase!"
Hi guys with the arrival of summer here in Europe, I noticed the excessive use of tanning makeup in some girl on the street! Alright here in London we do not have a "summer" decent enough to give us a bronze girl from Ipanema, but with a healthy color, yes. But exaggerating the "orange" there is nothing cool!
To hide some imperfections and give an "upgrade" in tan, the make has to be light, so you do not run the risk of soiling the clothes of someone or even yours. "monkey" total!
First of all does not matter if the sun is 40 degrees or 16, always use a sunblock on your face, already exist in the market foundtions that already comes with high protection factor.
1-Foundation: If you already have a tan colour, PLEASE, do not use a light base that will make a terrible contrast in your skin. Use one or two shades above her that you normally use when not tanned. Tip: Go with a basic brush a thin layer. No exaggeration. Suggestion: Base MAC Lustre drops.
2.Powder: Use a bronzing powder with a brush or sponge, very shallow, this kind of bread do not leave your skin dull or velvety, but with the effect of "Summer," glossy.
3. Illuminator: I love the bronzer pearl, the bright pearl that with a blush brush, you apply to an area to gather light, below the eyes and above the temples, forehead and chin.The Effect is amazing. Again, only a few strokes. You also can apply with a sponge if you want a more heavy tanned effect.
Almost all brands have the bronzer pearls. Suggestion brands: MAC, Avon, Bonjour
4. Blush: Pparticularly if I use bronze illuminating, I think the is unnecessary the use of blush to make not weigh in, but if you want to highlight the cheekbones, I advise the use in moderate. I like to use in mousse to complete the effect of glossy make bronze.
Suggestion: MAC, Loreal
5. Eyes: Apply a light coral shade covers with finger taps and then a brown shadow in the hollow look to score, then a black pencil on the bottom line, and the wildcard of the eye with a brush and apply a bit of shade in white or sintilante only in the inner corner of eye.
6. Lips: Opt for shades: coral, bronze, glossy, pink. To have a lips like a Angelina Jolie effect, passes a pencil pink at the edges of the lips, to make it bigger!
"Just no exaggerate on make and rock this summer!
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