Com a chegada do Outono, alem da diferente paisagem com as folhas secas no chao,tornando a cidade mais melancolica e mais suja tb,chegam tambem o vento frio e forte.Causando ressecamento dos labios, pele, e os indesejaveis frizz. Para evitar alguns desagrados causados pelo Outono, aqui estao algumas dicas.
*Use hidratantes labiais.
*Hidratantes para pele sempre antes de sair de casa e reaplicar sempre que sentir o ressecamento novamente.

Agradecendo nesse post a maravilhosa modelo Danubia Sousa, que arrasaaaaaaaa sempre e confia suas madeixas em minhas maos! Confiram os excelentes trabalhos de Danubia acessando ela arrasaaaaaaaa.
Beijos Danubia!!!
Beijos a todos!
With the arrival of autumn, besides the different landscape with dry leaves on the ground, making the city more melancholy and dirty as well, arrive cold and the strong wind .Causing dryness of the lips, skin, and unwanted frizz. To avoid some hassles caused by the fall, here are some tips.* Use lip balms.
*Moisturizers for skin always before leaving home and reapply when you feel dryness again
* The Make-up bases pass moisturizers with sunscreen and do not forget, the sun is not appearing frequently, but the ultraviolet rays* In the hair invest in weekly moisturizing, leave-in hair after washing and anti-frizz serum after drying.
* Another tip for avoiding frizz is, after drying yoir hair, throw a jet of cold air in the hair, will help prevent heat shock that causes frizz and sealsthe cuticle and also guarantees a shine to hair.
* You can invest in accessories and hairstyles to keep your hair from flying out and looks nothing fashion. Hats,berets,will help, but without doubt, the tiaras are the hit of the moment for hair accessories: can be metallic,floral,discrete,or flashy, has for all tastes and occasions.
*Another way to get away from the look" just got out of the washing machine" are the hairstyles.Clearly,more elaborate hairstyles are more difficult to do for yourself at home.but simple ones like ponytails,buns,modern ,you will.
Special thanks in this post a wonderful model Danubia Sousa, who always rock and trust her hair in my hands! Check out the excellent work of Danubia accessing
Kisses Danubia.
Kisses to everyone.