
Saturday, 1 October 2011

Review:Touch of Silver by Pro-Voke / Testei, Aprovei e Indico: Touch of Silver

Oi gente
Entrar em  uma loja de cosmeticos pra mim é tao excitante quanto passar horas vasculhando todas as prateleiras, conferindo os lançamentos de novos produtos, sentindo as fragancias,e buscando novidades pra dividir com voces aqui no blog.
E em uma dessas minhas "caçadas" achei, testei e aprovei os shampoos de manuntenção diaria e o shampoo iluminador Thouch of Silver by Pro-Voke
 Como tenho mechas, e meu cabelo tem tendencia a amarelar muito facilmente, tenho que usar  sempre shampoos neutralizadores e adoro testar novos.

Daily Maintenance Shampoo
Shampoo de manutenção diária . Ele contém branqueadores ópticos para aumentar brilho, e extrato de semente de girassol para proteger a cor e neutralizar tons amarelados dos fios loiros.

Twice a Week Brightening Shampoo
Faz uma correção de cor, usando pigmentos roxos que reduz tons amarelados em cabelos grisalhos, e cabelos loiros. Ele é indicado para ser usado duas vezes por semana;
Atenção: Usá-lo com mais freqüência que 2x por semana, pode adicionar pigmentos ,deixando o cabelo com tons de roxo / azul.
 Daily Maintenance Shampoo £1.99 e Twice Weekly Brightening Shampoo £3.15 na Boots.

Essa linha contem ainda o Condicionador, Hairspray e Shampoo a seco.Com certeza vou experimentar o restante da linha e dar meu veredito aqui. Pois fiquei bem satisfeito com o resultado dos shampoos.
Hi guys,
Join a cosmetics store for me is as exciting as spending hours sifting through all the shelves, looking the launchings of new products, feeling the fragrances, and searching tips to share  with you here on my blog.

And in one of my "hunting"; I found, tested and approved  the Daily Maintenance Shampoo and  the Twice a Week  Brightening Shampoo Touch of Silver by Pro-Voke.
As I have highlithed hair, and it has a tendency to go yellow very easily, I have to always use silver shampoos to neutralize it and I love test new ones.

The Daily Maintenance Shampoo  is designed to be used on the days that you don’t use the Brightening Shampoo. It contains optical brighteners to boost shine, and Sunflower seed extract to protect colour.And helps  to neutralize the yellowish

The Twice Weekly Brightening Shampoo  is a colour correcting, purple toned shampoo that reduces brassy tones in grey, silver and platinum blonde hair. It is designed to be used twice a week;
Warning: Do not use it more frequently than 2x a week, because  it can cause colour build-up, leaving your hair with purple/blue tones. 

Daily Maintenance Shampoo (£ 1.99) and Twice Weekly Brightening Shampoo (£ 3.15) at Boots.

This line contains the conditioner, hairspray and dry shampoo. I will definitely try the rest of the line and give my verdict here. Because I was well pleased with the outcome of shampoos.


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