
Sunday, 18 September 2011

Pixie Lott New Haircut. Like or hate? /Gosta ou Detesta?

Oi gente,
A cantora Pixie Lott radicalizou e adotou o corte Lob,
a mudança tem a ver com o lançamento do seu novo album entitulado All About Tonight, que conta com participação de Ke$ha na faixa Blackout(My Only Love)
O hit All About Tonight tem uma balada super dancante e promete esquentar as pistas de todo mundo. Eu adoreiiiii! achei Baphoo

Seguindo a tendençia do Lob, Pixie deu preferençia a versãoao mais curta e reta, com bastante volume, e manteve o tom loiro platinado.
O que voces acharam? Comentem .

Abaixo voce pode conferir a capa do novo album de Pixie e o videoclip do hit All About Tonight!


Hi guys,

Pixie Lott radicalized and adopted the haircut Lob. 
The change has to do with the launch of her new album titled All About Tonight, which has participation of Ke$ha in the single Blackout (My Only Love)

All About The Tonight have a super ballad and dance hit and promises to heat up the tracks around the world. Being in first place in charts.

Following the trend of the Lob, Pixie gave preference to the shorter version and straight, with plenty of volume, and kept the platinum blonde shade.

What do you think? Comment.

Above you can check out the cover of the new album and below the Pixie's videoclip  All About Tonight!


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